Passive Portfolio Management

Bartholomew Hawkins offers six passive investment strategies which offer a low-cost managed solution.

A low cost solution 

These passive investment management strategies are constructed using tracker funds that have been carefully identified via our investment process. These funds track the average return of each individual sector within the portfolios. The solutions involve limited ongoing buying and selling actions which result in a low cost solution for our clients.

A passive approach to investment

Unlike active investors, passive investors buy a security and typically don't actively attempt to profit from short-term price fluctuations. Passive investors instead rely on their belief that in the long term the investment will be profitable.

This passive investment approach is suited to those investors who are looking for long-term appreciation and limited maintenance. Investors will typically be cost conscious or have modest asset levels.

“Good practice – A suite of low-cost managed funds for clients with modest asset levels who required a low-cost ongoing service” FSA Guidance Consultation Paper (April 2012), page 17

If you would like a more active “hands-on” alternative to passive portfolio management, please view our active investment portfolios

Our BH Passive Wealth portfolios

Below is a description of each of the six passive portfolios with an indication as to where the money is invested. Typically, these portfolios are constructed using between 10 – 12 tracker funds. This avoids putting all your eggs in one basket.

Pie Chart
Pie Chart
Pie Chart
Pie Chart
Pie Chart
Pie Chart

A free consultation with our financial experts

Take advantage of our free consultation and get all your questions answered by our financial experts – call us on 029 2050 8000 or complete our online enquiry form to arrange your meeting. The first meeting is at our expense and with no obligation.